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Out of Character

Welcome to the website of the Mystic Church, one of the fictitious IG (in-game) religions of medieval europe rpg


The doctrines of this church, available through the [IG] tab, tell you the IG story of the religion, but here I will discuss

1. the RL (real-life) origins of these doctrines

2. the OOC implications of the doctrines





  1. The mystic religion is indifferent as to whether there is a god, and is compatible with theism and nontheism alike


  2. The mystic religion focuses on life in this world - the present world is an end in itself instead of simply preparation of a world to come


  3. The true nature of life is contained in the doctrine of “aura”: that human excellence consists in inspiring fellow humans to achieve greater deeds and create the myths of tomorrow. Mystics learn to master “aura” from legends of yesterday and today


  4. Mystics focus on pilgrimages and appreciation of relics to master “aura”


  5. Mystics believe that because the myths from the past were once also themselves human deeds guided by “aura”, history is cyclical and there is much to be learnt from history. As such, mystic temples are places of study for history, philosophy, literature and the arts.

This means that you are free to believe anything you want about god. You can believe in a god, or even gods, and still be a mystic.


Ensures a strong link between the church and IG activities.

Also means that you are free to believe in anything you want about the afterlife, and still be a mystic.











Ensures a strong relevance to players, appealing to your RL dedication to this game, and your hope to make a difference to this game. Leave a legacy. 














Provides for meaningful activites for players to pursue.







Ensures strong link between the church and the history of the game. The church will become the historians of the game.



Philosophies like Aristotle's, Plato's and Liberal traditions



Renissance humanism

The facts of individual experience in the here and now are more interesting than the shadowy afterlife. The present world is an end in itself instead of simply preparation of a world to come.




Focus on life in this world and emphasise man's essential goodness.






Focus on personal spiritual development. Strive for a deep insight into the true nature of life.






Some people can master the force and make the force do their bidding.




The chosen people set an example of holiness and ethical behaviour to the world.







True Muslims need to go on pilgrimage to Mecca.



Medieval Catholicism

Relics of saints of the past inspire the masses.




Real life churches were once centres of learning.


The Doctrines                         IG implications               RL influences

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